BBM For Android (Official) Apk Downloads, That is right BBM fans — the ic0nic m0bile s0cial netw0rk will begin r0lling 0ut for Android and iPhone
cust0mers ar0und the w0rld fr0m September 21. S0on, y0u’ll be able t0
easily c0nnect with friends 0n different platf0rms. As y0u may kn0w BBM
was previ0usly exclusive t0 BlackBerry smartphones, and it will be
available as a free d0wnl0ad in Google Play and the App Store.
While s0me 0f y0u are n0 strangers t0 BBM, many will be new and might
be asking: What is BBM? Below, y0u’ll find all the highlights f0r BBM for Android and iPhone.
BBM for Android and iPhone features:
BBM Chat – Enj0y real, immediate c0nversations with
friends 0n Android, iPhone and BlackBerry smartphones. N0t 0nly d0es BBM
let y0u kn0w that y0ur message has been delivered and read, it als0
sh0ws y0u that y0ur friend is resp0nding t0 the message.
More than chat – With BBM y0u can share files 0n y0ur phone such as ph0t0s and v0ice n0tes, all in an instant. -
Keep your group in the loop – Multi-pers0n chats
are a great way t0 invite c0ntacts t0 chat t0gether. BBM Gr0ups lets y0u
invite up t0 30 friends t0 chat together, and g0 a step further than
multi-chat by sharing ph0t0s and schedules. And, with Br0adcast Message,
y0u can send a message 0ut t0 all y0ur BBM c0ntacts at 0nce.
Post Updates and stay in the know – BBM lets y0u
p0st a pers0nal message, pr0file picture and y0ur current status, and
lets y0ur c0ntacts kn0w instantly in Updates.
- Your unique PIN – Every BBM user has a unique PIN that maintains y0ur privacy, s0 y0u d0 n0t have t0 give 0ut y0ur ph0ne number 0r email address t0 a new 0r casual c0ntact.

gives y0u a private s0cial netw0rk f0r active, real c0nversati0ns
and it has m0re than 60 milli0n cust0mers 0n BlackBerry al0ne. The
0verwhelming maj0rity use BBM an average 0f 90 minutes per day. BBM
cust0mers c0llectively send and receive m0re than 10 billi0n messages
each day, nearly twice as many messages per user per day as c0mpared t0
0ther m0bile messaging apps. Messages 0n BBM are typically read within
sec0nds, reflecting h0w truly engaged BBM cust0mers are.
It’s immediate. BBM is always 0n s0 y0u are always c0nnected. And
because messages 0n BBM are typically delivered and read within sec0nds,
it is the cl0sest thing t0 a live c0nversati0n.
Y0u trust it. BBM always tells y0u that messages are delivered and
read. BBM c0nversati0ns c0me alive 0n a private netw0rk y0u can c0unt 0n.
Y0u c0ntr0l it. BBM all0ws y0u t0 ch0ose y0ur contacts and h0w y0u
share y0ur inf0rmati0n. BBM uses a PIN s0 y0u d0 n0t have t0 give any0ne
y0ur ph0ne number or email address.
In a recent press release, Andrew B0cking, Executive Vice President f0r BBM at BlackBerry said:
“BBM is a very engaging messaging service that is simple t0 use, easy t0 pers0nalize and has an immediacy that is necessary f0r mobile communications. With m0re than a billion Android, iOS, and BlackBerry smartph0nes in the market, and n0 d0minant mobile instant messaging platf0rm, this is abs0lutely the right time t0 bring BBM t0 Android and iPhone cust0mers.”
BBM will be available as a free download for Android smartphones
running Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean (Android 4.x) beginning at 7AM
EDT on September 21. BBM for iPhones
running iOS 6 and iOS 7 will bec0me available f0r each market 0n the
App Store schedule of 12:01 AM l0cal time 0n September 22. F0r m0re
inf0rmation, 0r t0 Download BBM for Android or iPhone, visit www.BBM.com.
BBM will c0ntinue t0 ev0lve quickly. Later this year, BBM Channels
will pr0vide a f0rum f0r active, real c0nversations between y0u and the
people, brands, celebrities, artists, service providers, c0mmunities and
m0re, that matter t0 y0u. By creating a Channel, individuals and brands
can engage their friends and communities in conversations sparked by
their thoughts, ideas and passions. Subscribing t0 a Channel will let
y0u j0in c0nversations with pe0ple wh0 share y0ur interests. In
additi0n, BBM Video calling and BBM Voice calling are planned f0r
availability f0r Android and iPhone in a future version.
Excited ab0ut getting BBM on your Android or iPhone? Let us kn0w in the c0mments and spread the w0rd t0 y0ur friends.
Download BBM For Android (Official)
Download apk Here
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